Updated: July 23, 2022

Serving you and keeping your data private and secure is our #1 priority.

Unlike other social networks that bet on user addiction and sell engagement data to advertisers, Village relies solely on member subscriptions to sustain its business. Hence, we are here to serve you as our #1 priority, and as a by-product, safeguard the data you hold dear, and constantly thrive to deliver you the value you need.

Our promises to you

  1. We will never share your sensitive data with 3rd parties or serve you ads.
  2. You control your data — You can ask us anytime to delete your account and all your personal data, and we will process the request within 48hrs.

Why and how we process sensitive data

Contacts Data

Sources: Google, Outlook, LinkedIn (via Chrome Extension)

Calendar Data

Sources: Google, Outlook

If you have any privacy questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out on [email protected].